Opening of new gym at Mladosť in pictures
A new location - a new space, we firmly believe this will be a great benefit for all, in terms of trainings and possibilities the new place offers.
Floreios 101 - Bananeira
1. of a series of acrobatics trainings - the topic is: handstands!:P
Time: Friday 27.4.2012 17.30 - 18.30
Place: Sad Janka Kráľa
Opening roda in the new gym
To introduce our new gym, we'll have a big roda instead the regular training, followed by a little buffet of fruit and then-some:)
We would like to use this opportunity to invite all our friends and families, all the ones who'd like to join and enjoy our activities and all those who would like to be part of the Brazilian culture, but never had the chance/guts to try.
1.5.2012 18.00 Športová hala Mladosť, Trnavská cesta 39, Bratislava
Entry is free - cake always welcome:P
Roda de Capoeira #23
Last time it was really "interesting"...Let's try again!:)
Place: ZDF, Trnavská cesta 8/A
Time: Sunday 22.4.2012 18.00-19.00
Roda de Capoeira #22
Again at the Zona Dance Fit, come and join us for a fast, slow, easy tough game...It's all up to you:)
Place: ZDF, Trnavská cesta 8/A
Time: Sunday 15.4.2012 18.00-19.00
Our achievements on XIV Jogos Europeus
Capoeiristas in Europe have been busy over Easter on XIV Jogos Europeus in Guimarães (Portugal) they have been training and of course, as it is usual on the Jogos, they've been competing. Slovakia didn't stay behing and our trainer Juraj ET Prerovský aquired 2nd place among the green belts. Congratulations!